You can promote your links in Crypto-related telegram groups, channels, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok, emails, websites, and many more social media platforms.
Fraudulent Users will be Removed:
You Must Not send Bots, Paid Traffic, or Fraudulent users to the offers. The system will remove payouts for these users. If you've sent someone, or a group of users, to fill out one of the offers, and those users are bots, paid traffic, or users that Immediately Remove themselves from the steps required by the offer (for example, a gleam offer that needs to follow certain socials and the user violates the required steps immediately by unfollowing/leaving the necessary group, unsubscribing, fake email, etc...) our system will detect that as fraudulent and non-real users.
**You must only send REAL Traffic**.
Payouts for Bots, Paid traffic and fraudulent activity will be canceled